After attending the last Reclaiming America for Christ Conference, hosted by the late Dr. D. James Kennedy at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in 2006, our hearts were burdened over the spiritual bankruptcy of our nation. What could an average citizen do to make a difference?
The answer was quite clear. The same strategy that Nehemiah used in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem must be employed in rebuilding the walls of America. Each person, each family, each church must take responsibility for making a difference in their own neighborhood, community and state.
Knowing that it was the spiritual revival that history calls the “Great Awakening” and thepreaching of the patriot pastors in Colonial America that stirred the hearts of the people towards liberty from tyranny and the birth of our nation in 1776, we believe that the same strategy must be employed for the re-birth of our Christian liberty in America.
We began working to “Reclaim Oklahoma for Christ” and now have an effective working relationship with over 500 pastors from across our state. Our goal is to connect with, encourage, and if needed, assist pastors all over the nation in reclaiming their own states for Christ and the Christian liberty upon which our founding fathers built this great country.
Although we are not affiliated or connected with Coral Ridge Ministries or its former initiative, the Center for Reclaiming America, we have been granted permission by those entities to use the name “Reclaiming America for Christ” as we expand this vision across America. We hope to honor the name and legacy of Dr. Kennedy as we strive for another Great Awakening in this nation.
The Mission of Reclaiming America for Christ
Our goal is to implement the strategy of Nehemiah. The Israelites rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem in a miraculous 52 days. The strategy was for each family to focus on one section of the wall, not looking to their left or right. Together the job was completed in record time.
Rather than trying to tackle 3.71 million square miles and 318 million people, our goal is to focus on each church. As churches have become paper thin on fundamental truths, we have produced a generation of paper thin Christians which reflects on the culture. If each pastor will focus on evangelizing and discipling the flock God has entrusted to him, then lead his flock in engaging the community around him, they can RECLAIM their community. Churches and Communities working together can RECLAIM a city. Cities working together can RECLAIM a state. States working together can RECLAIM the country – A GREAT AWAKENING.
Our mission:
1. Reacquaint Pastors & Christians with the Truth
a. Apologetics
i. Know the truth and be able to defend it.
ii. Christianity is a factual faith
b. Biblical Worldview
i. If Jesus is the Lord of our lives, then He is Lord of everything that we are involved with.
ii. God has given truths in His word about: self-government, family government, church government and civil government.
2. Remind Pastors of our Calling
a. We are not called to be CEO’s of competing businesses
b. We are called to proclaim loudly and convincingly the Gospel of Jesus Christ – To EVANGELIZE
c. Stand Against Evil and Error in our Culture
d. Disciple our Flocks to do the Same
i. Our flocks must know they are saved.
ii. Our flocks must know how to share their faith
iii. Our flocks must have Biblical Worldview
3. Reassure (Encourage) Pastors to Take a Stand by Standing together with Them
a. It is tough to stand alone, but there is strength in numbers.
Reclaiming America For Christ
1230 North Sooner Road
Edmond, OK 73034
405.796.PRAY (7729)