The House of Representatives Rules We are a Christian Nation

United States Congress (January 19, 1853), as part of a Congressional investigation, records the report of Mr. Badger of the Senate Judiciary Committee: The [First Amendment] clause speaks of “an establishment of religion.” What is meant by that...

Why the Koran Cannot be Used for the Oath of Public Office in America

Why must the Bible be the only book of authority in America? Our citizens have forgotten their history. America is not a democracy, but a Constitutional Republic. The Declaration of Independence was our chief governing document and we mark the birth of our country...

Pulpit Freedom Position Paper

Since the passage of the 1954 “Johnson Amendment” restricting the free speech of churches, questions and doubts have risen among the hearts and minds of pastors.  They have been told not to tackle tough topics that could be deemed political or politically incorrect. ...

Applied Economics: The Irresponsibility of Government Control

APPLIED ECONOMICS DISPLAYS THE TRUTH In 2008, there was a Pastor’s Conference in Washington, DC.  There were many wonderful speakers who addressed a variety of topics.  One of the key speakers was a former six-term representative from Ohio, Congressman Bob...

The Supreme Court Rules the Bible Must be Taught in School

Stephen Girard, a French immigrant, died in Philadelphia. His estate of over $7 million dollars was left with the stipulation that it be used to start an orphanage and school that did not allow the Bible. The city rejected this plan to separate the Bible from the...

Choices Matter

There was a touching newspaper article recently about a local church that recently held a memorial service to remember the thousands who have lost their lives to AIDS.  The article stated, “Oklahomans with HIV and AIDS numbered 4,521 last year.  But the total of...