Oklahoma State Constitution

Oklahoma State Constitution This is a searchable copy of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma. The search format was created and made available by State Representative Mike Reynolds. Click the link below to search the document. You will need Adobe Reader to open...

Moment of Truth

    Did Thomas Jefferson Own A Koran? On January 4, 2007, newly elected US Representative Tony Ellison took his oath of office on a Koran originally found in the library of Thomas Jefferson.   Ellison, seeming to find vindication for his desire to take the oath of...

“IS AMERICA Islamophobic?”

JEFF JACOBY http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2010/12/08/the_islamophobia_myth/ When that provocative question appeared on the cover of Time in August, the accompanying story strained to imply, on the basis of some anecdotal evidence,...

Setting the Record Straight

Islam is aggressively spreading its message (dawa) of deception across America playing on the fact that most Americans are uninformed about Islam’s history and doctrine. On January 5, the local Islamic Society ran a full page ad in the Oklahoman full of misleading...

We won, now what?

On November 19, 1863 Abraham Lincoln stood overlooking the Gettysburg battlefield trying to assess what had been accomplished there.  When the smoke cleared, two things were obvious:  both armies had suffered overwhelming casualties (over 51,000) and the north had won...

Will conservatives ever learn how to play together?

By Dan Fisher   When I was a kid playing with the others in my neighborhood, invariably, we’d have someone in our group who’d insist on getting their way or they’d threaten to go home.  If we wanted to play football, they would threaten to go home if we didn’t play...