Tenth Annual Reclaiming America for Christ Conference – Overwhelming Success
This year’s program featured Christian Apologist Josh McDowell, Liberty Council’s Mat Staver, Constitutional scholar and Christian attorney KrisAnne Hall, President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University Dr. Everett Piper and Reclaiming America for Christ President Paul Blair.
The Conference also updated Reclaiming America’s www.protectlifeandmarriage.com effort. Recognizing the lawful authority retained by the sovereign states in the creation of the general government in 1787, each state can lawfully decide for itself abortion and marriage regulations. Pastor Blair stated, “Our founding fathers did not create a system of government where 320 million people are ruled by five non-elected attorneys. We are a union of sovereign states who delegated few and defined powers to the general government to take care of the general welfare. None of those delegated powers included the authority to mandate abortion or redefine marriage.” Blair continued, “As long as we continue to believe and behave that Washington rules over us, they will continue to do so. Legally, we can say no. Morally, we must!”
Please Note: Josh Blair appeared at the Reclaim Conference via pre-recorded video.
Pastor Paul Blair opens the conference….
Special Music Provided By Debbie Hart…